Just You Project - Middlemount, Central Queensland
The JUST YOU PROJECT is about doing something just for you - to have an image of yourself that you LOVE, a freedom and an empowerment of stepping out, stepping up and doing something just for you. Its about recognising ourselves and showing gratitude for our life here, our friendships and ourselves. A free portrait for the women of Middlemount and surrounding properties.
Brooke, Ellie and Amanda

Beautiful imagery and that empowering feeling of doing something just for yourself.
You as your are, right now in this moment of time.
Full filled, Uplifted, Free - Tribe, Friendship and Love
All words that come to mind when I'm doing these sessions. So many if us, especially in remote areas lean hard on our friends, and together we are stronger, our friends get us through the tough and the crazy.
a little more about the stories we live, and the lessons we learn along the way:
Dreaming of: living on a hobby farm with lots of animals. Grateful for: family and friends
Is: a stay at home mum, feels balanced by taking a walk or reading a book, loves her resilience and caring nature
A message: You look amazing, its just your anxiety telling you that you don't.
Has learnt: To not be so hard on myself and don’t dwell on things that can’t be changed.
A quote that resonates: “The days sometimes seem long but the years are short”
I absolutely love...
Coffee, chocolate, being creative and the quiet moments in between the everyday chaos
I have learnt....
Life is short. Things don’t always go to plan and that’s okay.
I currently work as.....
A mama first always, an administrator at a health centre and also starting a little baking business
A quote that resonates....
“This too shall pass..”
I love my...
Softness and purity. I am a genuinely caring person and love to see people happy. I used to hate how deeply I felt things, but I’m slowly learning to embrace it.
I'm working on....
Myself. Simply my outlook of things and how to deal with them. My mental health took a hit when I had my son; before, during and after his birth were all very trying times. Both mentally and physically, things were touch and go. I never openly admitted it to anyone and it stopped me from getting the help I not only needed, but deserved.
My days usually look like this....
When I’m not in the kitchen baking up a storm or behind a desk.. My days are spent drinking coffee, chasing my kids around, eating their leftovers and doing a whole truck load of laundry and cleaning usually
I feel balanced when....
I can get a moment to just breathe in the quiet.
A message to other women....
Know your worth. Always.
A message to myself....
Keep being kind. Live the life you want to live. People’s opinions do not define you, so stop worrying so much about what they might think.