Trail Run, Central Queensland

Event Success - community fundraiser and new trail run to add to the calendar!

Box Gully is a property located just outside Middlemount township and was the beautiful location for the first ever trail run in our region. Over 150 registered runners competed in events including the Hoses 24 "Holy Heck" 21km, MCSA Monumental 10km, Box Gully Taster 5km and the "That'll Do" 2km there was also a run/walk pram friendly track and a "Tiny Trail" a run just for 5 and unders to experience the fun of a trail run. A lot of excitement was building leading up to the event with many people travelling from as far away as Brisbane, Mornanbah, St Lawrence, Mackay, Rockhampton, Longreach and more. MCSA provided a breakfast BBQ, coffee and drinks and snacks and the Middlemount Community Markets also supported the event with a variety of stalls in attendance. The event was run as a family fun day, with an activities tent, kids games and child minding available.

Special mention to regional business Capricorn Run Co. which is located in Yeppoon, (3hrs East of Middlemount) who greatly supported this event though social media, attended the event with a pop up stall with their trail and road running specialty products and generously provided sponsorship for prizes in all event categories. Also massive appreciation to Essex Grazing Co. who generously allowed the event to take place on their property and ensured the trails and headquarters were ready and accessible for our runners.

Organised and run entirely on volunteer energy this event was a fundraiser for MCSA (Middlemount Community Sports Association) a not for profit group who provide multi sports, events and support our community.

Trail Runners coming up to finish line with hand in air in celebration
10km trail runners leaving the start line
Trail Runners heading off along a bush track
Runners gather at the start finish line for the Box Gully Trail Run
Box Gully Organising Team, 4 women jumping up under the race arch
Trail Run Competitor finishing race
Box Gully Aerial View of Property
MCSA Committee Members

Trail Run in Isaac Region, Queensland

The event was sponsored and generously supported by local business, without this amazing commitment these events would not happen. Thanks to main sponsor Hoses 24, event sponsors Anglo American, Middlemount Coal, Isaac Regional Council, Capricorn Run Co., Essex Grazing Co., Hit FM, Wild Strawberry's Clothing, Ventia Middlemount, Middlemount IGA, Kim Deluca Photography, Inked Lady Photography, Roaming Studio Design and the MCSA committee and volunteers.

Special mention to the MCSA GymFit team who were the main driving force and coordinators who made the event happen.