Featuring the Women of Middlemount, Central Queensland.

This project aims to help us see our own beauty, our achievements and strengths. We celebrate our personal journey, value and appreciate the many roles we play in our family and within our community, this is the 'Way of Me'.

Welcome to the Way of Me Project - a place to connect and learn something from each other, through our strengths, differences and the paths we follow, there is beauty and admiration for every woman. I hope you find inspiration within these words and images.

Angie - another epic woman in our community in business, family, sport, and in her own right. Angie is known to many, her straight up, genuine and hilarious nature is endearing, you cant help but like and admire her! She has raised her family in Middlemount and with husband Matt, been a foundation for this town. Angie has been involved in many community clubs, business and events, and to name just a few they include, Middlemount Community School P&C, Swimming Club, MCSA as well as local business ventures. Her beauty, down to earth attitude, capabilities and strengths are evident though her commitment to family, her local connections and her drive to organise, gather, build and provide for all of us in some way or another.

Thank you Angie for everything you have contributed to over the years, I'm sure I don't even know the half of it, but your commitment and dedication is aspirational and Middlemount wouldn't be what it is today with out all the time and energy you gave to the community.

Thank you for taking part in the project!

I get cranky when I don't get the help I didn't ask for and when I do, they are doing it wrong....

Angie H.

Angie, Questions and Answers:

How would you describe yourself to someone who has never met you and cant see you? A lover of red wine and good food who has ash blonde hair not grey! I think I'm a good person not necessarily a nice person.

How do you find balance? My mantra really is "Failing to plan is planning to fail!"

My job title officially is... but really my job involves... Post Office Licensee - Manager of all things home & office with some side hustles!

What motivates you? Getting to the next goal - I'm a planner and always set goals, of course that changes as you grow and age but my fundamental is reaching the next goal - whatever that may be!

A moment in your life that has helped defined you... I have had lots of negatives and positives in my life and each one has helped me grow but the biggest negatives taught me to pull out the positive, dump the rest and one foot in front of the other!

A quote that resonates or I keep coming back to... "It's not about if you get run over. It's about how you get up again and how you conduct yourself through that process. That's what people will remember." Christine Holgate, CEO TGE

Im grateful for... Being of an age now where I know to be grateful for the little things each day :)

My best features are... Being a critical thinker, honesty, and I also think I'm hilarious.

I love my... ability to think fast and come up with options, I always have plan a, b & c.

I'm working on... being ok with who I am and that I don't always have to organize everyone!

My days usually look like this... Up early, coffee, work, home, dinner, tele and bed...and a lot of fb

I dream of... having down time - like real down time a holiday of doing nothing.

My worst habits are... I get cranky when I don't get the help I didn't ask for and when I do, they are doing it wrong....

I feel balanced when... Never, I'm a train wreck generally.

How do you measure success, wins, fulfilling times? Reaching goals whatever they are, financial, physical, emotional, big or small - I think there is a lot of focus on the big stuff when little wins are the ones that build to big wins.

I would tell my younger self this advice/lesson/truths... Don't be so busy surviving you forget to live.

What did you want to be when you grew up? Lots of things, teacher, nun, lawyer.

High repeat things... Coffee, Red Wine, Meatloaf (the singer), comedy reels.

Bucket list top 5? See Alaska, Britain, Ireland & Scotland, Whale Watching, Attend AFL Grand Final (Carn the Pies), Revisit the Channel Country - Innamincka, Birdsville.

If money was no object where would you live and what would you do? Whenever I travel anywhere, I always think "oh I like this place" so I would have to travel until I found the place I like more than all the others. Then I would garden, sew, cook, farm, play with my grandbabies and read, read, read.

I'm proud of these achievements... my time on the Stakeholder Council & APLAC board for Auspost, my community involvement with Touch Footy, Swim Club and the school, making the post office and prior to that the pizza shop great small businesses that provide employment in the community and raising 4 sassy kids that give back too!

Someone local you admire? Zoe Davidson - remarkable, capable, smart, kind, caring and just crazy enough to keep it together!

A message to other women... Pouring salt in my tea is never going to make yours sweeter, be kind, be champions of each other and always remember what someone else thinks of you is none of your business.

A message to myself... Oh this is hard!!!! It's ok to look after yourself to be the best you can when others need you.