Featuring the Women of Middlemount, Central Queensland.

This project aims to help us see our own beauty, our achievements and strengths. We celebrate our personal journey, value and appreciate the many roles we play in our family and within our community, this is the 'Way of Me'.

Welcome to the Way of Me Project - a place to connect and learn something from each other, through our strengths, differences and the paths we follow, there is beauty and admiration for every woman. I hope you find inspiration within these words and images.

Thank you Logan for taking part in this project, you are a genuine, beautiful soul with so much in front of you. Your refreshing attitude towards life and drive is to be commended, what a remarkable young woman you are! You can read more about Logan below.

I measure success based on the how much effort I put into something no matter what the outcome is.

Logan M.

Logan, Questions and Answers:

How would you describe yourself to someone who has never met you and cant see you? I would describe myself as kind, enthusiastic, respectful and honest.

How do you find balance? I’m really big on set routines and being organised which is definitely a trait I’ve picked up from boarding school. I thrive on handwriting notes/reminders which assist me with maintaining balance throughout my life. And in a weird way it makes me super happy!

My job title officially is.... but really my job involves... I am a 1st year apprentice electrician but really my job involves being the (TA) Trade Assistant, making sure the workshop and things that haven’t been cleaned in a long time.

What motivates you? Being the best version of myself motivates me to try my best in everything I participate in.

A moment in your life that has helped defined you... After having my ACL surgery I’ve become more driven to overcome the fear of the injury and believe that I can continue on with my sport in the same way prior to my injury. This encouraged the way am able to counteract obstacles in my everyday life.

A quote that resonates or I keep coming back to... Friends are like diamonds, precious and rare.

Im grateful for... My family, friends, opportunities, fortunes and life itself!

My best features are... having a good work ethic and always having a go no matter what, my optimism and enthusiasm towards every aspect in my life and also gratitude that I have for everyone and everything around me.

I love my... ability to get along with everyone, from the new people I meet, to the oldest friends that I don’t see often. I also love the fact that I am organised and independent because it makes it easier at home with mum.

I'm working on.... my fitness and goal setting for this year as well as my baking skills.

My days usually look like this.... My days consist of work and exercise and is finished off with a debrief of the day with Mum and Dad.

I dream of... being my own boss and to build my dream home on the beach, and to be happy.

My worst habits are.... My worst habit is I get impatient when things are in order (my own way).

I feel balanced when.... I know I’ve accomplished the tasks that I had planned to do.

How do you measure success? I measure success based on the how much effort I put into something no matter what the outcome is.

I would tell my younger self this... Not everyone will do what you are willing to do for them, only true friends will help you/return the favour.

What did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a Physiotherapist

High repeat things... Exercise (running/walking, boxing and footy) , chicken salad and baking cupcakes.

Bucket list top 5? I want to travel when I'm older with friends/family, have a holiday overseas with my family, go on a trek with Dad, go sky diving or bungee jumping and go on a Contiki tour.

If money was no object where would you live and what would you do? I would be living on the beach in my dream home with my family, travel and open up a buisness.

A book or movie that every woman should read/watch is... Hidden Figures

Im proud of... Overcoming my ACL injury, this impacted me alot mentally and physically, I am proud of this because now I am able to do the sports I love.

Someone local you admire? Mrs Pickles because she is driven and hard working and always has an infectious smile on her face, her attitude towards the community is unbelieveable and inspiring. And also she needs heaps of credit for going on those hikes with Dad and putting up with him.

A message to other women.... Believe it and achieve it !

A message to myself.... Do what makes you happy, not others.