Featuring the Women of Middlemount, Central Queensland.

This project aims to help us see our own beauty, our achievements and strengths. We celebrate our personal journey, value and appreciate the many roles we play in our family and within our community, this is the 'Way of Me'.

Welcome to the Way of Me Project - a place to connect and learn something from each other, through our strengths, differences and the paths we follow, there is beauty and admiration for every woman. I hope you find inspiration within these words and images.

Thank You Hayley for taking part, you have always been a smiling, beautiful member of our community. The bakery is a place where many have worked, met up for coffee or delicious bakery treats and is a part of many daily routines! Your down to earth nature and easy going attitude is why so many of us call you a friend, whether is on the netball court or touch footy field, your always smiling and supportive in so many different ways.

You can read more about Hayley below!

I love my... ability to get through a rough time by being the person to organise it. EG, hospital emergency, I'll book appointments, I'll listen to the specialists, I'll organise you to get better!

Hayley J.

Hayley, Questions and Answers:

How would you describe yourself to someone who has never met you and cant see you? Physically? average height, average but sporty, freckles, light/ sort of orange hair, mistaken for rude often, but just shy.

How do you find balance? I don't think I do, one week we all work wayyyy too much, next week, we get too slack, just focus on what HAS to be done, then the rest can wait.

My job title officially is... but really my job involves... Bakery owner/ Mum. But really- Baker, bookkeeper, project manager, share cook and cleaner. yes- project manager best describes it all.

What motivates you? Finishing a task. if i can see an end point, I love to get in and get it done. Also having a good nights sleep is very empowering.

A moment in your life that has helped defined you... Going thru IVF for 7 years for my 1 boy has definitely shaped who I am, and possibly given me a type of ptsd when it comes to people announcing pregnancies, but it has made the appreciation of my current little family so great.

A quote that resonates or I keep coming back to... "And this too shall pass". (bad times will end, but then so will the good, so just ride out the time you're living)

Im grateful for... Having two very kind and easygoing families (mine and in laws) not everyone gets that. A partner of almost 20 years (now husband) and of course, Larry.

My best features are... I do like my eyes.

I love my... ability to get through a rough time by being the person to organise it. EG, hospital emergency, I'll book appointments, i'll listen to the specialists, i'll organise you to get better!

I'm working on... Not always doing things for work, not rushing to the phone, but just trying to have 'switched off' time.

My days usually look like this... Very early morning bakery work, take Larry to daycare, bit more work. Lunch with Gareth, hopefully a swim, nap, pick up Larry. Family dinner, drop Gareth to work, get Larry to bed, go to bed.

I dream of... Being able to not bring work home, either not owning a business, or owning one thats only 9-5pm, 5 days a week. Zero possibility of being called in at night time.

My worst habits are... I talk over my husband, but only because I'm excited for him to hear my thoughts on the conversation! I think I'm right and have to be shown that i'm not to believe it.

I feel balanced when... We have time to play and relax as a family.

How do you measure success, wins, fulfilling times? Simply by whether or not you are happy in yourself, do you overall enjoy life.

I would tell my younger self this... if the advice still changes nothing, I would just say- hang in there, all the IVF will be worth it eventually, and their are soooo many more people doing it and going through it than you can possibly believe.

What did you want to be when you grew up? A vet when i was around 15, but I got into baking when i was 17, so was happy doing that.

If you had to choose one fictional character from a book/show/movie to represent you, who would it be... Bluey's mum chilli, she's stern to the kids when she needs to be, she gets frustrated by them, but she always plays with them and still has a good laugh with her husband and enjoys being around him.

High repeat things... bakery food- too many bakery snacks, too often, kids TV show baby bus.... EVERY DAY!!

Bucket list top 5? 1. more travel 2. time off 3. boob job- just a little lift up 4. jet skiing (just so relaxing) 5. win lotto.

If money was no object where would you live and what would you do? Probably travel overseas and maybe live in Europe somewhere for a while, just to try something new.

A book or movie that every woman should read/watch is... Just read in general, its very relaxing

Im proud of these achievements... Running a successful business, being part of a happy long term relationship

Someone local you admire? Heather Edeling - being able to have a big family and just being such a lovely person

A message to other women.... a quote from my sister "when you leave the house you get your sh*t together". Just to know that we all break down when we're at home, we just get our sh*t together when you see us out, so don't think everyone else has it easier than you - we all struggle at times.

A message to myself... Don't stress the small things, who cares if the house is a mess for weeks on end- no one in the grand scheme of life.