Featuring the Women of Middlemount, Central Queensland.

This project aims to help us see our own beauty, our achievements and strengths. We celebrate our personal journey, value and appreciate the many roles we play in our family and within our community, this is the 'Way of Me'.

Welcome to the Way of Me Project - a place to connect and learn something from each other, through our strengths, differences and the paths we follow, there is beauty and admiration for every woman. I hope you find inspiration within these words and images.

Thank you Rosie for taking part in this project, you are instantly loveable, your beauty and genuine warmth are intoxicating (in the best way) and you are a soul fulfilling friend, even though we have only hung out a few times, I feel like life is always stepped up with you around, you are such an uplifting woman, and I know that you have many, many superpowers! Thank you! You can read more about Rosie below.

My best features are... I think my best feature may be that I really do care for people. Even if I have just met you on the street, I’d love to know more about you – I’d love for you to come over for a cuppa!

Rosie P.

Rosie, Questions and Answers:

How would you describe yourself to someone who has never met you and cant see you? While I still imagine myself as 19 year-old me, I now have ten years on that! I have a round face, freckles and dark longish hair.

How do you find balance? I find this an ongoing juggle. Sometimes it feels like the balance is just right without even trying, other times it is organised chaos and sometimes I just feel like a headless chook. The combination of the three keeps things interesting. The later highlights the enjoyment of the first two states! Honestly, I make myself a lot of lists, goals and routines. I love a good, daily checklist.

My job title officially is... but really my job involves.... My job title officially is home duties according to births, deaths and marriages, or Creative Content Producer according to my employer (however, my hours are so minimal that the former definitely describes me best) ... but my job with littlies is a lot of fun at the moment. I get to play with my kids, join in community events and programs, be a part of my community, make yummy meals for my friends and family, work in the yard and look after our animals. And then sprinkled in are late night nursing, dummy runs, managing the house and chores like cleaning, washing, vacuuming, dishes etc.

What motivates you? Big motivators for me are my family and people. I try to have my family as a big backing behind how I make a lot of my decisions – this includes bigger picture decisions like where to live, and also smaller scale decisions like how we interact with others or how we set up our house. And then secondly, I think people, all people, are so important. People motivate me to get amongst the community, be a friend, have conversations, get to know my neighbour and hear people’s stories.

A moment in your life that has helped defined you... While this sounds typical, a big defining moment for me was when I had Arthur – our first child. I didn’t realise at the time just how defining that moment was, but it was the first time I have made such a big sacrifice for another person. It was a marker of the sacrifice/s I will continue to make. Despite the challenge experienced it was also a marker of the joy I am to experience with the full house I have been blessed with.

A quote that resonates or I keep coming back to... Fat souls are better than clean floors. I really do appreciate tidiness and tidiness helps me to feel sanity, but I am just in a period of life with 2 kids under 3 where a clean floor is just not always (or often) the case. So, I must remind myself that ‘yes, sometimes I can have a clean floor and that is wonderful but sometimes allow that floor to be messy for your kid to have a happy, fat soul’.

Im grateful for... I am very blessed to have the abundance that I have, if I wrote out all the things, I am grateful for this list would be very long! But to name a few I am grateful for my family, for the incredible community I live in and for the small joys that the day brings. Today I am homebound with two sick kids after a sleepless night, but my morning coffee was delightful and a friend unexpectedly dropped off her children’s colouring in and some chocolate cupcakes and I am blown away by just how good life is!

My best features are... I think my best feature may be that I really do care for people. Even if I have just met you on the street, I’d love to know more about you – I’d love for you to come over for a cuppa!

I love my... I love my ability to genuinely appreciate very small things – that Saturday morning feeling, a wave from the bin driver, the biscuits Tegan puts on your coffee (and the fact I snagged it before one of the kids – or maybe we went halfsies), etc. So everyday usually has a decent amount of excitement because I am just so chuffed!

I'm working on... Oh, there are lots of things on this list! A few are - making quick decisions (I have rewritten this answer three times, so a way to go here), not taking so long to type messages back to people, not watching TV, encouraging joy in my family and running a tight ship!

My days usually look like this... My day usually starts off with a 2-hour shuffle around the house with a coffee – some book reading to Arthur, smiles at Teddy, squeeze in a load of washing and sneak in a run on the treadmill. The boys and I then do a mad fifteen-minute rush to get out of the house for a morning outing! Home for a midday nap- I’ll sneak in some jobs, a quiet lunch and some reading and then smash out the arvo stretch before my husband gets home. In the afternoons we usually catch up with the neighbours or try to get a bit of gardening in. And all of those plans can be interrupted at a moment’s notice haha!

I dream of... Small scale - eating every morsel of food I’d like without any consequence! Large scale – having a nice bit of land with some animals and a happy, generous family. Internally – Being genuinely abundantly generous with all I have to serve and bless others.

My worst habits are... Thinking the sale sign on the chocolate at IGA means I have to buy it, finding an excuse for a late night snack every night, saying ‘ I just have to do X’, when really I just have to do X, X, X and X, thinking sales people are my best friend because they are nice to me, taking ages to make decisions and overthinking roughly 75 % of my decisions!

I feel balanced when... I feel balanced when I have a have time with my family, time with others and I don’t look inwardly too much!

How do you measure success/wins? This question has really stumped me and has highlighted an area for me to grow in. I think currently I measure success by how many things are ticked on my to-do list, and then based of my own emotions and others. There is definitely a better way to do this!

I would tell my younger self... to not stress so much. Every decision will lead you down a different path, but that doesn’t mean one path is necessarily better than the other. Don’t carry the weight of the world on each decision and enjoy the adventure which each one brings!

What did you want to be when you grew up? A singing hairdresser. I can’t sing or cut hair.

If you had to choose one fictional character from a book/show/movie to represent you, who would it be? I am a bit late to the party, but I recently read Pollyanna. I feel in love! I even suggested to my husband if we had a girl one day we should name her Pollyanna – he was not thrilled. I love her glad game and the infection of her gladness. I believe there is always something to be glad about also!

High repeat things... I am a creature of routine and habit so high repeat is my motto! Some high repeats that come to mind are my school friend’s family brownie recipe, chocolate, a daily run (to even out the brownies and chocolate).

Bucket list top 5... Honestly, I am so indecisive and non-committal that I don’t have a bucket list!

If money was no object where would you live and what would you do? If money was no object I would live on a super large property that we could invite all friends and family to come live on too. Everyone could have minimum 50 acres. Not sure of the location but somewhere the weather is good – bit warm, bit cold, but not too far either way. And on this property, I would spend my time raising the kids in our community and helping out run the farm. Goodness, I think I have just described an Armish community!

A book or movie that every woman should read/watch is... Read Pollyanna and join in the glad game!

I'm proud of these achievements... I am foremost proud to be married and have a family. I am proud of my work ethic and where this has led me – working with artists with disabilities in Japan, teaching film skills to not-for-profit organizations in the Northern Territory, creating relationships and impacting lives of ladies with disabilities. And currently I am also proud to tick off each day with two little tuckers happily tucked in their beds knowing they are loved!

Someone local you admire? Liné Fick! So, she may have moved away (for now), but she will always be a Middlemount Local. Liné was an amazing lady, wife, mother of three, involved in a good handful of community events/clubs. Liné was one of the first people I met when I rocked up to a Middlemount community event, and honestly if it hadn’t been for that interaction I am not sure how long we would have lasted in Middlemount, or how much of the community we would have become a part of. To describe Liné in 5 words I would say – genuine, caring, generous, funny and welcoming. While she did all the above, she was ‘real’ in acknowledging the juggle she had on her plate, was totally okay to point out where she thought she may have dropped the ball and would have a good laugh about it. Despite the business of keeping up your own house and raising three kids, Liné would have muffins or a meal ready for you if you were on unwell. Unintentionally this has turned into an essay. But I greatly admire Liné and am so grateful for the impact she has made on my life, my family’s life and Middlemount life – so she will always be a local here!

A message to other women... Whether you are younger, older, single, married, have children or not, you were intentionally and purposefully created. Today is a day that you can do so much in, so why not do so much in it! The world can be lonely, hard place – but if we are all thinking of one another, looking for opportunities to bless and care for others – both our tank will be filled and so will others. It’s contagious!

A message to myself... The work you are doing now is the most important work you could be doing. There may be days that feel long, repetitive, like banging your head against a wall and you may not have your boss say ‘good job’ or have a rewarding pay cheque hit the bank like you did when you were employed. But you are so blessed to be doing what you are doing! On those days you don’t feel like it – check your heart, check your attitude, pull your socks up and do your job with a grateful, joyous and serving heart!