Featuring the Women of Middlemount, Central Queensland.
This project aims to help us see our own beauty, our achievements and strengths. We celebrate our personal journey, value and appreciate the many roles we play in our family and within our community, this is the 'Way of Me'.
Welcome to the Way of Me Project - a place to connect and learn something from each other, through our strengths, differences and the paths we follow, there is beauty and admiration for every woman. I hope you find inspiration within these words and images.
Sam - down to earth, hardworking, straight up, admirable and of the land.. there are many first impressions that you might get when you meet Sam, she is such a personable, natural beauty with a big friendly smile you cant help but like her. I loved peeking into Sam's world, working on a property with her husband and two young daughters, she is living her dream and learning so much along the way. I admire Sam's genuine, kind nature and ability to adapt and learn all of the many many on-the-job skills that working on a property brings, above all, its inspirational to see her creating a life that she loves. An amazing woman, who has lead such an interesting and varied life so far. Thank you Sam and family for taking part in the project, I think you are incredible!

Sam, Questions and Answers:
How would you describe yourself to someone who has never met you and cant see you? I love to challenge myself so I have something to work towards. I look for opportunities to better myself and my skills. I’m very easy to approach, kind, passionate, tough but sensitive, determined, stubborn but genuine, hard working, and happy.
How do you find balance? I’m a planner and very routine orientated. My whole life revolves around writing lists and prioritising my daily duties in advance.
My job title officially is... but really my job involves... My official job title is Property Manager, alongside my Husband. But really my job involves cattle work, mustering on horse back, data entry, property maintenance eg. fixing fences, checking waters. I am also a wife and mother to 2 girls, which involves house chores, school runs, cooking, cleaning etc.
What motivates you? For myself, the challenges and learning aspect of my job motivates me. It means that my knowledge and skills are growing and knowing that I am passing it down to my children keeps me striving to do better each day. In general my children are my motivation. I want to do the best that I can, I put 100% into everything I do because at the end of the day it is us they look up to.
A moment in your life that has helped defined you... My childhood has definitely defined me as an adult. I come from a large but a very close family. I was brought up with love and discipline in the perfect ratio and my parents always taught me, not so much to treat people the way I want to be treated but not to treat people in a way you wouldn’t want to be treated.
A quote that resonates or I keep coming back to... “Practice doesn’t make Perfect. Perfect Practice makes Perfect”. ~D.Nickolls
I'm grateful for... My parents. I would not be where I am or who I am today without the constant support from them.
My siblings. My extended family. My friends who I consider family.
I’m grateful for my husband and everything he does for the family we have created together. I’m grateful to have been given an opportunity for my family and I to do what we love every day.
Lastly, I am grateful for memories….
My best features are... The way I explain things. I can turn something technical into something that most people can wrap their heads around. I’m also very patient, productive and capable.
I love my... I love my ability to be able to think outside the box and help someone with something I know nothing about.
I'm working on... Home/Work balance. Working where you live, where you relax, where you raise your children, where you spend 100% of your time with your husband can easily all get mashed together in the one pot. So trying to find that happy medium is sometimes difficult but Daniel and I both understand and acknowledge when one of us needs a bit of time and we are both great at taking the reins and giving the other a break when it’s needed.
My days usually look like this... Run in the horses if we’re mustering, school drop off, complete my daily tasks eg. mustering, AI’ing, preg testing, calf tagging, fencing, checking waters, lick runs, general house chores. School pick up, homework, feeding animals, dinner, bath, bed.
I dream of... Owning our own cattle property
My worst habits are.... Other than biting my nails (which I am slowly conquering) I rush things when I am stressed, that turn out to be fine.
I feel balanced when... The house is tidy and the work is done and the children are happy.
How do you measure success, wins, fulfilling times? I measure success by somebody’s willingness to give something a go regardless of the outcome.
I would tell my younger self this advice/lesson/truths... “Let all the people in the world down, but don’t ever let yourself down. Not everyone is worth it”.
What did you want to be when you grew up? When I was younger my older brother and I raced junior motocross that took us all over the state. Our father had us servicing our own bikes from a young age and that lead me to want to be a small motors mechanic. In high school I started my traineeship but unfortunately never completed it though I still get to explore this interest with my husband who is a qualified diesel mechanic.
If you had to choose one fictional character from a book/show/movie to represent you, who would it be OR who do you strive to be more like: Definitely Pocahontas. She is strong and courageous, noble and free-spirited, she is wise and kind, she loves adventure and nature and is proud of where she came from. “You know Pocahontas. She has her mother’s spirit. She goes wherever the wind takes her”. ~Kekata
High repeat things: Coffee. Every day. More than once a day. Music and singing most days but especially the 70km round trip on daycare days. I also love a good spoon of Nutella!
Bucket list top 5? I honestly don’t have a bucket list, I’m just happy going with the flow.
If money was no object where would you live and what would you do? We would buy our own property and stock it with our own cattle.
A book or movie that every woman should read/watch is... The only book I’ve ever read. Save Our Sleep!
I'm proud of these achievements... -Winning the Women’s QLD motocross championship for my age group.
-Owning my own successful business.
-All the things Daniel and I have learnt in the lead up to being able to run and manage a cattle property together.
-I am proud of Daniel and I as parents.
Someone Local you admire? My husband, Daniel…
His strength- I admire his ability to keep it all together when I can’t cope.
His patience- I am one of the most easily distracted people I know but we’re still married… and he’s still patient.
His work ethic- His ‘if there is work to be done, there’s no time like the present’ attitude is very admirable. If there is something he hasn’t done before or is unsure of, he will research it completely and work on it until it is perfect!
His parenting- We were young when we first started dating and I definitely wasn’t looking for the man of my dreams, but I got a one in a million type lucky with him. The way he is with our children amazes me and they love him so very much.
A message to other women... Can you do it? Should you do it? YES, you absolutely should!!! You’ll never know if you can do it until you give it a go.
A message to myself... I’m proud of you.
Anything else to add? If anyone is thinking whether or not to participate in Kim’s Way Of Me project, you should definitely do it!! It has really got me thinking about the big picture that is my life. It has brought me back to life and reminded me of who I am and where I’ve come from. Thank you Kim, you are a wonderful human being.